Office#201, 2nd Floor, Arooj Arcade, F-10 Markaz , Islamabad


What We Do ?

We passionately dedicate ourselves to addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by our communities with compassion, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to excellence. Through our comprehensive initiatives in health, education, environment, relief activities, and orphanage support, we strive to empower individuals and uplift communities across Pakistan.

In healthcare, we work tirelessly to ensure access to quality services and preventive care, promoting the well-being of all members of society. Our educational programs aim to unlock the potential of our youth, providing them with the tools and opportunities they need to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Environmental sustainability is a cornerstone of our efforts, as we implement initiatives aimed at preserving and protecting our natural resources for future generations. During times of crisis, our relief activities provide vital support to those affected, offering food, shelter, and medical aid to those in need.

Additionally, our orphanage support initiatives provide a safe and nurturing environment for vulnerable children, instilling in them a sense of belonging and hope for the future. Through strategic partnerships and innovative approaches, we strive to create tangible, sustainable impact and build a more resilient and equitable society for all.

We believe in the transformative power of collective action and remain committed to our mission of fostering a society where every individual has the opportunity to flourish and contribute meaningfully to the betterment of humanity.

Dar ul Uloom Muhammdia

  • Dar ul Uloom Muhammdia stands as a beacon of holistic education, seamlessly blending worldly knowledge with religious teachings. Within its hallowed halls, students embark on a journey of enlightenment, nurturing both their minds and souls. Here, traditional Islamic studies harmonize with modern disciplines, fostering a well-rounded approach to education. Through rigorous academic curricula, students delve into the depths of religious texts while also honing critical thinking skills essential for navigating today's complex world. This unique synthesis cultivates individuals equipped not only with deep-rooted faith but also with the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in diverse professional arenas. In this harmonious blend, the Dar ul Uloom emerges as a sanctuary where intellectual growth and spiritual enlightenment converge, empowering generations to thrive in both realms

Our Team

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Ahmed Sherani
General Secretary
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Abdul Hakeem
Executive Member
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Shahid Sarwar
Project Manager
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Muhammad Ramzan Rehmani
Managing Director
Abdul Karim
Executive Member
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Aahad Ahmed
Media Cordinator
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Abdul Rehman Sherani
Finance Secretary
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Raja Touqeer
Finance Manager